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Causes Of Earlobe Damage Or Deformities


Earlobe damage can occur due to the gauge of some modern earrings that permanently stretch the earlobe. If the person chooses to remove the large-gauge earring, he or she is left with loose, floppy skin that will need surgery to correct. Hoop earrings present another possibility of damage, as they can become caught on items when the person is walking, resulting in the earring being torn out through the earlobe. Again, surgery will be necessary to repair the tear. Trauma during sports can also damage the outer ear and require surgery.


Common deformities of the ear that Dr. Celikkaya can correct are generally congenital. These are often thought to be a result of a lack of blood supply to a developing fetus. These deformities include an underdeveloped outer ear, a condition known as microtia. Constricted ears, otherwise known as lop ears, feature flattened or rolled out ear edges. In shell ear, there is no outer curve in the cartilage. Earlobes can also feature large creases and wrinkles.

Is Ear Lobe Repair Performed With Anesthesia?

Most procedures to repair damaged earlobes are performed by Dr. Celikkaya with the patient under local anesthesia. However, when children are involved it can be better to place them under general anesthesia to head off their anxiety about surgery. For a more involved reconstruction of the ears, as to address deformity, for instance, Dr. Celikkaya usually will opt for general anesthesia.

Can My Earlobes Be Pierced After Earlobe Repair Surgery?

If the earlobes have been repaired, they can usually be re-pierced after six months.

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