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Nipple and Areola Reduction operations are simple procedures that effectively reduces the size and changes the shape of one or both of your nipples.


This surgery can be performed on its own under local anesthesia. However, it is often performed alongside other surgeries such as breast reduction, breast lift, breast augmentation or mummy makeovers.


Nipple Reduction can reduce the height and width of the nipple, reshaping it into a desirable form, while preserving sensation. Many people also choose to have the surgery in order to have more symmetrical areolas in cases where one nipple is larger than the other. It can be carried out on its own under local anesthesia or in combination with other procedures under general anesthesia. During your initial consultation with our skilled surgeons, you will be able to communicate your aesthetic concerns and go over the different surgical options available to you.


When the nipple is a different colour than the skin surrounding it, often the scar will blend in and appear more natural. Our highly skilled surgeons will also focus on retaining the connections between the breast tissue and the skin, to preserve the ability to breastfeed.


Recovery from Nipple Reduction surgery is quick with very little disruption to your normal routine. You may experience some bruising and swelling in the area operated on, however, this will usually fade in a couple of days. Our surgeons use very fine stitches that will dissolve and fall out naturally over the course of a week or so. This procedure is not particularly painful, and the pain can be managed with over the counter painkillers, such as paracetamol and anti-inflammatory medicine.


During the healing and recovery process, you should be able to return to your normal daily activities just a few days following your surgery, depending on your tolerance of the swelling. We recommend avoiding any strenuous activities, or heavy lifting, for at least 2 weeks following the surgery. Wearing a good support bra for the weeks following the surgery is also recommended.


You will be able to see your final results and the shape of the nipple and areola within 2-3 months of the procedure, once the areola has settled into its new form and the scar has settled.

+ What Are The Different Surgeries Offered For Nipples?

Areola reduction – This is a swift and straightforward procedure that removes the excess brown area from around the nipple. Small reductions leave an inconspicuous scar around the base of the nipple. Larger reductions can leave a scar around the outside edge of the areola – both techniques can be carried out under local anesthesia. Nipple inversion - The nipple itself lies flat or inverts inwards towards the body rather than protruding in the normal way. This condition can occur from birth but in some cases, can develop later on in life. This is typically another swift and straightforward procedure that can be carried out under a local anaesthetic although different grades of inverted nipples require different complexities of surgery. Nipple Reduction is carried out to reduce the height and width of the nipple whilst preserving its sensation a can be very effective at relieving embarrassment associated with this condition. It can be carried out under local anaesthetic as treatment as well as recovery is quick and straightforward. Each of these surgical procedures is straightforward and can either be carried out on their own under a local anaesthetic or as part of a more complex breast procedure.

+ How Is A Nipple Reduction Or Correction Performed?

Areola Reduction - Areola reduction is a quick and simple procedure that can be performed on both men and women. It involves removing the excess brown or pink area surrounding the nipple which usually has a diameter of between 4-5cm. Areola reduction usually begins with your surgeon removing a circular segment of the outer brown area of the areola. The skin surrounding this is then brought inwards in a purse string fashion to surround the areola. Inverted Nipple Correction is usually carried out under local anaesthetic and in one of two most common ways. The first begins with an incision to allow lifting of the nipple and areola tissue whilst remaining attached to the breast, the ducts are separated and the nipple is allowed to sit proudly in its new position. The second method is the incision is made at the base of the nipple and the shortened milk ducts are detached completely allowing for a natural looking projection of the nipple. Nipple Reduction – The most popular involves elimination of a strip of skin about the neck of the nipple which is closed and sutured reducing the height of the nipple by pushing a portion of the nipple back into the breast tissue. This is a very straightforward procedure and is often performed under local anaesthetic.

+ Why Choose Nipple And Areola Correction Surgery?

Although everyone has nipples, not everyone may be happy with the size and shape of their nipples. Though any problems with your nipples may be a harmless medical condition, we understand how inverted nipples, enlarged nipples, puffy nipples or a large areola (the darker skin around the nipple) may cause discomfort or self-consciousness. Enlarged nipples can be hereditary and you may have been born with the condition or have experienced changes in your nipples during puberty or after breastfeeding. If the appearance of your nipples is a concern for you, nipple correction surgery can have excellent aesthetic results. Other reasons you may want a nipple correction could include asymmetry between the left and right nipples or stretching or irregularity of the areolas after previous breast surgery. Often after pregnancy and breastfeeding, women are left with a nipple shape that is less desirable from what they previously had, and they wish to correct it.

+ How Should I Prepare For An Areola Or Nipple Correction Surgery?

During your consultation, you can expect your surgeon to examine your breasts, go over your surgical options and ask you for a complete medical history and current list of medications. Your surgeon will listen to your aesthetic concerns and explain the procedure to you. They will give you an idea of what your areolas and nipples will look like after the surgery. Your experienced Celikkaya Clinic surgeon will give you pre-operative advice at your initial consultation and this may include stopping smoking and taking certain medications such as aspirin which will delay your healing. Many of these procedures can be easily accomplished under local anesthesia. For the larger procedures or for preference you may decide to have our gentle form of anesthesia, TIVA (Total Intravenous anesthesia) in this case, you’ll be asked to arrange a ride to and from the procedure, as you’ll be unable to drive after surgery. You will need to fast for 4 hours, although sips of water are permissible for up to 2 hours before surgery. It’s also best to come to surgery without any make-up or cosmetics, without wearing any jewellery and in comfortable, loose fitting clothes.

+ Do I Need Downtime After An Areola Or Nipple Correction Surgery?

You will need a protective dressing for at least a week following surgery. This can be disguised with loose clothing. There may also be stitches to remove after 7-10 days. Exercise including brisk walking should be avoided. However, you are not in significant pain and capable of working from home the next day. Normal work depends on travelling issues and how physical it is. You may need to take one week off work following an areola or nipple reduction/correction surgery, perhaps longer if your job requires anything very physical. Strenuous activities, heavy lifting and intense exercise should be avoided for around 6 weeks following your surgery. You should be back to your regular routine and exercise after 4+ weeks of surgery.

+ How Can You Fix A Protruding Nipple?

A protruding nipple can be fixed by trimming the skin and bulk of the nipple to shrink its overall size. It is similar to other procedures that remove excess tissue from the body, but in this case, the procedure is on a much smaller scale and scars insignificant. Around one in ten women in the UK suffer from nipple-related conditions where the nipples may be irregular or enlarged causing them to protrude through clothing. Protrusion can be a source of embarrassment as well as pain and irritation known as ‘jogger’s nipple’. Protruding nipples can be an issue for men too. Underlying breast tissue may, in addition, push the nipples outward and require reduction. This condition is called Gynaecomastia. Nipple correction is about ridding the patient of their social anxiety or embarrassment and physical pain from their condition. Protruding nipple correction at our Clinic can reduce the height and width of the nipple while still preserving sensation. Nipple correction can easily be combined with other procedures, so you only have to go through the process of surgery once. If you find your self-image and your confidence comprised by protruding nipples, the solution may be easier than you thought. The procedure is relatively simple and straightforward. It can be carried out under local anesthesia or in combination with other procedures (under general anesthesia). Recovery from protruding nipple surgery is quick with very little disruption to your normal routine. Nipple correction surgery is an outpatient procedure. Since there is no long rest period following the procedure you will be back in the swing of things with newfound confidence in no time.

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