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  • CELLULITE THERAPY | Celikkaya Clinic

    CELLULITE THERAPY Cellulite is the dimpled skin and nodularity often found on the hips, thighs and buttocks usually described as having an ‘orange peel’ or ‘cottage cheese’ appearance. It is far more common in females than males due to the differences in fat distribution and affects 85-98% of women. There are many causes including sex, age, race, hormones, genetic factors, lifestyle, diet, exercise and stress. Although cellulite is considered to be normal, many people find it undesirable. +What areas can be treated? Read more Cellulite is most commonly found on the hips, thighs and buttocks but may also appear on the abdomen, breasts or upper arms, which are all areas that can be treated. +How does the treatment work? Read more There are many factors involved in the development of cellulite including changes in the microcirculation, accumulation of toxins, increase in number and size of fat cells and shortening of the fibrous tissue cords that anchor the skin. CelluErase is a minimally invasive procedure where a special micro blade is used to separate the bands of fibrous connective tissue, allowing the skin to spring back resulting in a smoother appearance. +Is it safe and does it hurt? Read more Treatment consists of separating fibrous bands within the cellulite and then injecting a mesotherapy cocktail containing active ingredients specifically formulated to help eliminate cellulite. A specially designed micro blade is used and the treatment is very superficial so the risk of damage to vessels or nerves is very low. The blade is similar in size to an average hypodermic needle and heals in the same way and no suturing is required. However if the skin is thin, there may be some tearing resulting in poor healing or scarring. Local anaesthetic is used to minimise any pain during the procedure, although there may be a moderate degree of discomfort during the treatment of certain areas. The injection of local anaesthetic may cause a stinging sensation before numbing takes place. If you find the procedure uncomfortable, further local anaesthetic can be administered. If cellulite is very extensive, it is necessary to perform the treatment in more than one session as there is a limit to the amount of anaesthetic that can be used. +Are there any side-effects? Read more Following treatment, the area can be quite red, warm, tender and swollen for the first few days as healing takes place. Occasionally there may be some altered sensation, numbness or tingling within the area, this sometimes takes a few days or weeks to settle. Although the micro blade used is very narrow, occasionally the treatment may result in a tiny scar. Thickened scars, such as hypertrophic or keloid scars, may occur. If you have a tendency for these, it is essential you inform your practitioner. Rarely the treatment may result in scabs, blisters or vesicles at the treatment site. Pigmentation may occur due to the bruising within the skin, it is important to avoid exposure to UV light until healing is complete. +What can I expect after treatment? Read more Due to the nature of separating the fibrous bands when performing cellulite treatment, bruising is inevitable and can be quite extensive. The area is likely to be quite tender for several days or more and the bruising can spread beyond the area treated and be black or dark purple in appearance. There will be a degree of bleeding following the procedure and a dressing will be applied which should remain in place for 24 hours, although sometimes the bleeding may be a little bit more profuse and seep through the dressing. Pressure can be applied to stop any bleeding and a further dressing may need to be applied. If the bleeding is persistent, please contact the clinic to arrange further review. The procedure is highly effective although results cannot be guaranteed and sometimes cellulite will remain. Further treatment can be performed if needed. As cellulite is an ongoing problem, it can recur despite having effective treatment.

  • FAQ | Celikkaya Clinic

    Sık Sorulan Sorular Saç Ekimi Nedir? Saç ekimi, saç dökülmesi sorunu ya da saç kaybı yaşayan kişilerde seyrelme ve kellik sorununa doğal ve kalıcı bir çözüm yoludur. Saç ekimi tamamen kişiye özel planlanır ve uygulanır. Saç ekimi operasyonuyla hastanın genellikle ense bölgesindeki dökülmeye dirençli saç kökleri toplanır ve seyrelme olan ya da tamamen dökülmüş olan kısımlarda açılan kanallara ekilir. Amaç; baş bölgesinde ekim yapıldığı belli olmayacak doğallıkta, kalıcı bir şekilde saçlı görünüm kazandırmaktır. Saç Ekimi Kimlere Uygulanabilir? Erkeklerde ve kadınlarda 19-20 ’li yaşlardan itibaren çeşitli nedenlerle saç dökülme sorunu yaşamış saç ekimine engel fizyolojik hastalığı olmayan ve donör alanında yeteri kadar folikülü olan her yaştaki tüm bireylere saç ekim operasyonu yapılabilir. Saç Ekimi İçin Hangi Yöntem Kullanılıyor? Günümüzde, saç ekimi operasyonlarının çoğunluğunu FUE yöntemi ile yapılmaktadır. Dikiş ve kesi izi olmadığı için hastalar daha rahat karar vermekte ve bu tekniği tercih etmektedirler. FUE yönteminde saçlar tek tek alınıp saçsız bölgelere nakledilir. Lokal anestezik ilaç ile saç kökü alınacak ve ekim yapılacak olan bölge uyuşturulur. Saç ekimi yapılacak kişinin, verici alan olarak kullanılmak üzere baş arkası ve yan taraflarında sağlıklı saçları olmalıdır. Saç köklerinin dökülmemeye kodlanmış (non androjenik) tüm alanı homojen ve orantılı kök alınarak kullanılmaktadır. Böylece gelecek yıllarda donör sahanın tekrar kullanılması mümkün olur. Devam eden yıllar içerisinde kişinin ihtiyacı ve beklentisine göre yine aynı yöntemle ikinci veya üçüncü seans saç ekim operasyonları da yapılabilmektedir. Saç Ekimi İçin En Önemli Unsur Nedir? Saç ekimi ciddi bir uygulamadır. Saç ekimi risklerinin en aza indirilmesi için hastane veya klinik ortamında yapılması gerekir. Bu konuda iyi bir eğitim almış ekip ve deneyimli plastik cerrahlar tarafınca gerçekleştirilmesi en iyi sonuçların alınması açısından çok önemlidir. Saç Çizgisi Nasıl Belirlenir? Saç çizgisi kişiye özel anatomik bir hattır. Alın dokusunun bitip saç dokusunun başladığı alandan doğal saç sınırına göre belirlenir. Saç ekiminde en önemli nokta alın kasına dikkat edilmesidir. Alın kasına inilmeden, mimik kaslarına zarar verilmeden saç çizgisi istenildiği şekilde ayarlanabilmektedir. Geniş alınlı ya da saçlarının iki yanı çok boş olan kişilerde de alın çizgisine dokunulmadan saç hattı değiştirilebilmektedir. FUE Yönteminin Avantajları Nelerdir? FUE yönteminde kökler teker teker alınır. Donör alanı minimum travmatize edilmektedir. Yara izi kalmaz. Sosyal hayata dönüş kısadır. Güvenli bir yöntemdir. Gerekli koşulları sağlayan kadın erkek her hastada uygulanabilmektedir. FUE Yönteminde Günlük Yaşama Dönüş Adımları Nelerdir? Kaç Günde İyileşilir? İşlemin ardından 2 gün sonra hastalar ilk yıkama ve pansuman için merkeze gelmektedir. İşlemden sonra ilk 2 gün dinlenmeleri önerilir. 2 . gün bandajlar çıkarılır ve ilk yıkama yapılır. Bunun ardından günlük yaşama dönülebilmektedir. İlk yıkamadan son yıkmaya kadar yani 7-10 günlük bir süreçte saçlarda ekim yapıldığı belli olmaktadır. Kabuklanmalar görülmektedir. Son yıkamanın ardından ekim belirtileri tamamen ortadan kalkmış olur. Ardından saçların uzaması beklenir.

  • PROMINENT EAR OTOPLASTY | Celikkaya Clinic

    PROMINENT EAR OTOPLASTY ​ Ear surgery, or otoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure to improve the appearance of a person’s ears. Although otoplasty does not affect hearing, it can provide great psychological benefits to those who have been teased about the size or shape of their ears, have had a serious ear injury, or simply want to improve their appearance. +What Can Otoplasty Ear Surgery Correct? Read more Otoplasty typically serves two functions: setting prominent ears back closer to the head, and reducing the size of large ears. Ear surgery may also be helpful for the following conditions: Large or protruding ears Lop ear (top of the ear folds downward or inward) Cupped ear (a small ear) Shell ear (no outer curve in the cartilage) Large, stretched or torn earlobes Earlobes with large creases and wrinkles New ears can be constructed for patients who are missing them from injury or other causes. +Candidates For Ear Surgery Read more Candidates for otoplasty may be those who feel self-conscious about their ears and want to improve their appearance. Although the operation is most often performed on children aged four to fourteen, this procedure can be very beneficial to people of all ages. Ears are almost fully grown by age four, and early surgery can prevent a child from being teased in school. It is also important that you are in good general health, and have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure. Dr. Celikkaya will discuss with you your otoplasty goals so that you understand what can be achieved by the surgery. +The Otoplasty Procedure Read more Otoplasty, also known as ear pinning, generally lasts two to three hours and is performed on an outpatient basis. The type of anesthesia used typically depends on the age of the patient. General anesthesia is recommended for very young patients; local anesthesia and a sedative may be used for older children and adults. The otoplasty procedure begins with a small incision made behind the ear, in the natural crease where the ear meets the head. The cartilage is then sculpted and bent into its new position to achieve the desired appearance. In some types of otoplasty, skin is removed but the cartilage is left in one piece and merely bent back on itself for a smaller-looking ear. After sculpting the cartilage to the preferred shape, sutures are used to hold the ear in the new position until healing is complete. A bandage is then wrapped around the head to secure the new positioning. To achieve better balance, both ears may be operated on even if only one has a problem. +Recovery After Ear Surgery Read more Patients of all ages usually feel back to normal after a few hours, although the ears may ache or throb for a few days. Prescription medication will be made available to help alleviate any discomfort. A few days after the otoplasty procedure, the bandages around your head will be replaced with a surgical dressing that should be worn for about one week. The stitches will be removed within one week. You should avoid sleeping on your affected ear for the first two weeks after surgery. After about one week following otoplasty, children may return to school, and adults may return to work and resume normal daily activities. After it has healed completely, there will usually be a faint scar on the back of the ear. However, because of the strategic placement of the incision, the scar should be virtually unnoticeable and, typically, will fade with time. Are There Any Risks To Otoplasty Surgery? Read more As with all surgery, there are risks associated with otoplasty. A small percentage of patients may develop a blood clot on the ear. This generally dissolves naturally or can be treated with a needle. Another potential risk is an infection in the cartilage, which can cause scar tissue to form. This can usually be treated with antibiotics, but may occasionally require surgery. Also, you should not expect your new ears to match exactly; even normal, natural ears are not identical. Complications are rare and usually minor, and can typically be minimized by following Dr. Celikkaya’s aftercare instructions.

  • VASCULER REMOVAL | Celikkaya Clinic

    THIGH LIFT Thigh lift surgery (thighplasty) is performed to sculpt and tighten the inner and outer thigh regions, and to improve the overall shape and contour of the thighs. Thighplasty is most often performed on patients who present with the aesthetically problematic issues of redundant (excess) skin and persistent fat pockets in the thigh region. A large amount of excess skin in the thigh area is primarily caused by the loss of skin elasticity that occurs after patients have undergone significant weight loss, either through bariatric weight loss surgery or the more traditional means of diet and exercise. Following massive weight loss, the body is often unable to re-conform to the new, smaller dimensions, which leads to the presence of aesthetically undesirable excess, hanging skin. Although not technically a medical problem, large amounts of excess skin can pose challenges in terms of hygiene, finding clothing that fits appropriately, and can have a negative impact on a patient’s emotional well-being by marring the true results of their weight loss efforts. For these patients, thighplasty offers not only aesthetic benefits, but can also serve as a final step in their weight loss journey, enabling them to finally appreciate the fruits of their weight loss transformation. +Procedure Read more Thighplasty typically lasts 2-3 hours, and is performed using general anesthesia in an outpatient setting. The three primary thighplasty techniques include: Inner Thigh Lift: lifts, tightens and sculpts the inner thighs using the incision made at the junction of the pubic area and the upper thigh region Bilateral Thigh Lift: lifts and tightens the skin along both the right and left side of the leg using an incision made at the top of the thigh Medial Thigh Lift: lifts and tightens skin, and removes fat from the upper region of the inner thigh using an incision beginning in the groin area, and running to the back of the buttock crease For patients who present with a significant degree of fatty tissue in the thigh region, liposuction can be performed in conjunction with a thigh lift to enhance the surgical results. +Recovery Read more Following your thigh lift surgery, Dr. Celikkaya will place temporary drains to treat any fluid accumulation, and the drains will generally be removed 5-7 days after your surgery. In order to minimize swelling and promote skin contraction, you will also be provided with a specialized compression garment to wear during the first part of your recovery process. The duration of your post-surgical recovery period will be determined by the extensiveness of your thigh lift surgery, the capacity of your body to heal itself, and whether or not you had other procedures performed with your thighplasty; however, most patients should allow 7-14 days for rest and recuperation, and should minimize leg movement whenever possible during that time. Most post-surgical swelling or bruising generally abates within one month, and the majority of patients are able to recommence all of their regular daily activities within four to six months.

  • AQUALIFT | Celikkaya Clinic

    AQUALIFT Facelifts carried out using hydrodissection (Aqualift®) are a particularly gentle version of SMAS lifting in which waterjet assisted preparation (hydrodissection) is used. ​ The desire to develop efficient but gentle techniques with lasting results to rejuvenate the human appearance is the motivation behind the research and trialling of a number of new methods that all share a common goal: achieving better results compared to conventional and more laborious procedures with considerably less downtime, risk and discomfort. The Aqualift® hydrodissection method presented here is not a completely new technique but is rather an expanded concept to facilitate one of the most important steps during the facelift, the dissection. The water-jet assisted preparation method ensures high tissue selectivity with efficient and gentle dissection associated with minimal secondary damage. ​ The desire to develop efficient but gentle techniques wit lasting results to rejuvenate the human appearance is the motivation behind the research and trialing of a number of new methods that all share a common goal: achieving better results compared to conventional and more laborious procedures with considerably less downtime, risk and discomfort. ​ The Aqualift® hydrodissection method presented here is not a completely new technique but is rather an expanded concept to facilitate one of the most important steps during the facelift, the dissection. The water-jet assisted preparation method ensures high tissue selectivity with efficient and gentle dissection associated with minimal secondary damage.

  • THIGH LIFT | Celikkaya Clinic

    THIGH LIFT Thigh lift surgery (thighplasty) is performed to sculpt and tighten the inner and outer thigh regions, and to improve the overall shape and contour of the thighs. Thighplasty is most often performed on patients who present with the aesthetically problematic issues of redundant (excess) skin and persistent fat pockets in the thigh region. A large amount of excess skin in the thigh area is primarily caused by the loss of skin elasticity that occurs after patients have undergone significant weight loss, either through bariatric weight loss surgery or the more traditional means of diet and exercise. Following massive weight loss, the body is often unable to re-conform to the new, smaller dimensions, which leads to the presence of aesthetically undesirable excess, hanging skin. Although not technically a medical problem, large amounts of excess skin can pose challenges in terms of hygiene, finding clothing that fits appropriately, and can have a negative impact on a patient’s emotional well-being by marring the true results of their weight loss efforts. For these patients, thighplasty offers not only aesthetic benefits, but can also serve as a final step in their weight loss journey, enabling them to finally appreciate the fruits of their weight loss transformation. +Procedure Read more Thighplasty typically lasts 2-3 hours, and is performed using general anesthesia in an outpatient setting. The three primary thighplasty techniques include: Inner Thigh Lift: lifts, tightens and sculpts the inner thighs using the incision made at the junction of the pubic area and the upper thigh region Bilateral Thigh Lift: lifts and tightens the skin along both the right and left side of the leg using an incision made at the top of the thigh Medial Thigh Lift: lifts and tightens skin, and removes fat from the upper region of the inner thigh using an incision beginning in the groin area, and running to the back of the buttock crease For patients who present with a significant degree of fatty tissue in the thigh region, liposuction can be performed in conjunction with a thigh lift to enhance the surgical results. +Recovery Read more Following your thigh lift surgery, Dr. Celikkaya will place temporary drains to treat any fluid accumulation, and the drains will generally be removed 5-7 days after your surgery. In order to minimize swelling and promote skin contraction, you will also be provided with a specialized compression garment to wear during the first part of your recovery process. The duration of your post-surgical recovery period will be determined by the extensiveness of your thigh lift surgery, the capacity of your body to heal itself, and whether or not you had other procedures performed with your thighplasty; however, most patients should allow 7-14 days for rest and recuperation, and should minimize leg movement whenever possible during that time. Most post-surgical swelling or bruising generally abates within one month, and the majority of patients are able to recommence all of their regular daily activities within four to six months.

  • TUBEROUS BREASTS | Celikkaya Clinic

    TUBEROUS BREASTS Tuberous breasts (or tubular breasts) are a result of a congenital abnormality of the breasts which can occur in both men and women (also see Hypoplasia), one breast or both. During puberty breast development is stymied and the breasts fail to develop normally and fully. The appearance of tuberous breasts can potentially be changed through surgical procedures, including the tissue expansion method and breast implants.

  • BOTOX | Celikkaya Clinic

    BOTOX When you make any type of facial expression, the muscles around your face contract and this can create wrinkles or furrows in the skin. Botox makes it impossible to make certain facial expressions and movements so wrinkles can no longer form. Botox is a popular non-surgical treatment option for patients that want to erase or minimize the appearance of lines and wrinkles along the forehead, around the eyes, and around the mouth. It is a quick-fix solution for many patients that want to maintain a rejuvenated look without any downtime and boasts no side effects. If you want to take a few years off your appearance during your lunch break, come in to our office for a Botox treatment. ​ +What to Expect with Botox? Read more Botox works by ‘freezing’ the muscles by stopping nerve activity. This means that the areas being treated can no longer respond to facial movements, thereby decreasing further wrinkles. This is beneficial to many patients but we need to be as conservative as possible when administering Botox so that you are not left with a ‘frozen’ look. Botox is one of the leading injectables on the market, an attractive option for men and women who want to mask the appearance of lines and wrinkles around the face. There is no downtime with this treatment but you will need to wait about 10 to 14 days to see the full results. We will determine how many units of Botox you need during your consultation — some patients only need a few units to take care of minor lines while others need more than a dozen or so units to treat stronger muscles. +Benefits of Botox Read more The Botox injection is administered very quickly and is virtually painless. Patients can enjoy benefits for up to three to six months, depending on the areas being treated and the number of units administered. We an administer Botox around the forehead, in between the brows, around the eyes, and around the mouth

  • NEEDLING | Celikkaya Clinic

    NEEDLING One of the hottest treatments around, Microneedling is also known as Natural Collagen Induction Therapy. Microneedling has been around for a long time but has become increasingly popular over the past couple of years. Founded on the skin’s natural ability to repair itself when physical damage occurs, Microneedling simply encourages this healing process. In essence, the damaged collagen and elastin is replaced by fresh, new collagen and elastin. It is a popular treatment due to the significant results it achieves, and also because it is a safe, chemical free method that triggers new collagen production. Microneedling can be performed on all skin colors and types and can be performed with other treatments like Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections to have even greater results. +What Is Microneedling? Read more Tiny needles are used to create controlled micro-channels in the skin in order to naturally produce collagen and elastin. The skin’s repair process results in improvement of the appearance of softer wrinkles. Automated micro-needling also creates superficial micro-channels which can be used with topical gels, creams and serums to help improve the appearance of the epidermal layer of the skin. +What Does Microneedling Treat? Read more The way that microneedling works is by flooding the treatment area with healthy new collagen protein. In doing this, the technique can address multiple concerns simultaneously. These include: Acne scars and surgical or injury scars Fine wrinkles Loose skin and mildly saggy jowls Crepey skin on the neck and face Tissue laxity on the abdomen and backs of the arms +Who Is a Good Candidate For Microneedling? Read more Many adults are excellent candidates for microneedling. Patients with severe acne or an active skin infection may need to receive appropriate medical treatment prior to their microneedling session. If you are beginning to see the signs of aging, want to preserve your youthful collagen, or are ready to correct cosmetic concerns related to aging and sun damage, microneedling may be the perfect treatment for you +Benefits Of Microneedling Read more Microneedling is a popular treatment option for men and women who want a natural boost for their skin. Treatment is comfortable and takes only a few minutes to complete the actual procedure. Side effects from microneedling are short-lived and mild; many patients go right back to work or their normal activities. Finally, microneedling achieves immediate results that only get better with time +Does Microneedling Hurt? Read more Before commencing with microneedling, we desensitize the skin with a topical analgesic, so our patients feel virtually nothing as the tiny needles pass over the epidermis. We apply a topical numbing cream prior to treatments and patients say they don’t feel a thing! With little to no downtime, it is the perfect after-work procedure. You will be pretty red immediately after treatment, but it usually subsides by the next day. +Are Microneedling Results Permanent? Read more The results of a single microneedling treatment can last up to one month or slightly longer. When a series of treatments are performed, the effects of collagen proliferation can last several months at a time. A personal consultation with one of our microneedling providers will enable you to identify your long-term needs that include microneedling and quality skin care products for the longest lasting results. +How Many Treatments Will I Need Read more One treatment achieves subtle, temporary cosmetic enhancement. While every situation is unique, most patients achieve substantial improvement with a series of 3 to 5 microneedling sessions scheduled 4 weeks apart. The more treatments that are conducted in the series, the more collagen induction is supported. Once the desired degree of change has been achieved, maintenance treatments may be scheduled as infrequently as once a year. +Is Microneedling Safe? Read more Microneedling is a safe and effective procedure that can achieve outstanding results through collagen induction. There is no heat involved so no risk of burns or pigment reaction. The needles that create microchannels in the skin are sterile and ultra-fine so virtually no risk of tearing, which could occur with a dermal roller. We use an automated device that delivers minute punctures in a controlled, vertical manner to preserve the skin throughout the process. It is important to receive microneedling treatment in a professional clinical setting from an experienced provider. +Microneedling Results Read more Across the board, patients who have undergone microneedling notice smoother, more radiant skin. The automated technique promotes rapid changes in the collagen matrix beneath the epidermis for improved texture and tone. As more collagen is made by stimulated fibroblast cells, the skin may improve even further by tightening and naturally healing spots and scars from acne and other dermatologic events. Some of the results from microneedling can be seen as soon as redness diminishes, and many more are seen as the skin is rebuilt from the inside out with healthy new collagen. +Side Effects Of Microneedling Read more There are very few side effects after microneedling. The most substantial is the transient redness that develops during the treatment process and diminishes over the course of several hours. After redness has decreased, the skin may appear slightly pink for a day or two. Some patients may notice subtle bruising in areas where there is minimal fatty tissue beneath the skin, such as around the eyes. This is generally very mild and easily covered with mineral makeup. Most patients do not experience discomfort after microneedling. If any sensation does occur, it is usually comparable to a mild sunburn and manageable with over-the-counter pain medication. +Microneedling Recovery Read more Because professional microneedling using our automated device is so gentle to dermal tissue, there is no major recovery after treatment. Redness that occurs immediately following treatment stems from the body’s natural inflammatory response to the micro-wounds made by tiny needles. Within a few hours, redness dissipates to a pink hue, like a mild sunburn. This will fade within a day or two and can be covered with mineral makeup. It is important to moisturize the skin as directed by your provider and to wear sunscreen as recommended. Throughout the first week after microneedling, the skin may begin to appear rough and flaky. This is the release of old, dead cells in preparation for new cellular growth. After approximately 7 days, all side effects should be gone and you will enjoy glowing, beautiful skin.

  • ONE STITCH FACELIFT | Celikkaya Clinic

    ONE STITCH FACELIFT The idea for the procedure was prompted by an old Hollywood trick in which actresses used tape to pull slackened skin upward, taking great pains to hide the tape with hair or wigs. ​ “The unique feature of the “One-Stitch Face Lift” is that it uses your own loose skin at the level of the sideburn, which has been de-epithelialized, tunneled, and anchored through another small incision in the temporal area. It’s a sort of a natural lift, without the insertion of any external threads that could possibly be palpable, get infected, or just give in. If you place your fingers on your cheeks and pull up, you can get an idea of what the effect will be. This is a great procedure for patients concerned about downtime. Considered a true lunchtime lift, it is performed under local anesthesia with no sedation – so you can drive yourself there and back with no problem. Many patients go back to work the next day. Swelling is minimal, and there is no bruising. The only area that shows any sign of surgery is the sideburn, and in a week or two it will be almost imperceptible. Adding that the “One-Stitch Face Lift” is proving to produce a longer-lasting result than the much-touted thread lift and in the end it all comes down to technique. ​ The technique is essential to creating a positive result and because this procedure uses the patient’s own skin to anchor the lift and hold the tissue in place, the longevity of the result is vastly superior and results are more natural.

  • MICROLIFT | Celikkaya Clinic

    MICROLIFT The Micro Lift is the lightest and least invasive of all of the facial procedures and is recommended for patients between 40 & 50 years old with limited skin sagging. The procedure is usually takes between 20 and 45 minutes to complete and is conducted without the need for a general anaesthetic, instead patients are sedated and a local anaesthetic is used. Importantly, this procedure uses very small incisions and leaves no visible scarring. Recovery times for the Micro Lift are relatively quick with most patients making a full recovery within 7 days. If any discomfort is experienced, this can be easily managed using simple painkillers. +Who Is The Micro Lift For? Read more The Micro-Lift is most suitable for people who have a slight sagging in the mid-face, but not enough sagging to require a face lift surgery. Most suitable patients are over the age of 35 and feel that the look at least 5 years younger after the procedure. +How Does It Work? Read more Without the need for incisions and with a short recovery time, the Micro Lift is ideal for most people between 35 and 50 who need only subtle adjustments made to reverse the natural sagging that has occurred. We recommend that you watch the video below in order to see how the procedure works. +Guidelines For Surgery Read more The following guidelines apply for all types of surgery Use of all blood thinners should be stopped (under guidance from Dr Celikkaya) Smoking should stop from the date of the operation until 10-14 days after the treatment. Any activities that will increase blood pressure should also be halted. +What are the main factors to be considered before a Micro-Lift operation? Read more As with all surgical procedures, it is recommended to stop using aspirin and blood thinners three weeks before the operation. +What factors should be considered after surgery? Read more Micro-Lifting can be done under sedation and local anesthesia or with local anesthesia alone. The operation does not require any hospital stay, and the patient can return home a few hours after the procedure. Following the operation, there may be swelling in the area, especially over the first two days. The area can be washed the day after the operation and moisturizing and anti-bruise creams can be used +Is there any change in facial expressions after the surgery? Read more The Micro-Lift operation does not create a new face, but simply restores the tissues that have deformed over time to create a naturally more youthful result. +Can Micro-Lift surgery be combined with different operations? Read more Depending on the need of the patient, Micro-Lift operation can be performed in conjunction with other operations (eye lid operation, neck lift, fat injections, stem cell etc.). +Is Micro-Lift a painful operation? Read more If the Micro-Lift surgery is made on the neck and jaw line, discomfort can be experienced behind the ear for 1-2 days. This can be controlled using simple pain-killers. This sensation will completely dissappearafter this time

  • MINI ABDOMINOPLASTY | Celikkaya Clinic

    MINI ABDOMINOPLASTY A mini-abdominoplasty is similar to a standard abdominoplasty with a few differences. Like the latter, the mini-abdominoplasty uses a waist crease incision but often (but not always depending upon the amount of skin to be removed) the incision is not quite as long as with the standard procedure. A shorter incision does not mean you will heal faster or have a shorter recovery, the difference in incision length is not enough to make such a difference. Wounds heal side to side, not end to end, so a shorter incision heals in the same time as a longer incision. There are some other substantial differences. There is no incision made around the umbilicus, and it is for this reason that when the skin is lifted up off the abdominal wall, it is only to the level of the umbilicus. As only the lower abdominal wall is exposed, only the lower abdominal muscles can be tightened. There is a variety of the procedure where the umbilicus is left intact on the outside skin but cut at its base from the abdominal wall. This is called floating the “umbilicus”. This will allow the surgeon access to the upper abdominal muscles for tightening. I am not a big fan of this procedure. More on this in a bit. Lastly, when the abdominal wound is closed, the umbilicus may be pulled down slightly, usually no more than a centimeter or so, and this doesn’t appear to cause any concern in my experience. +Who Should Consider A Mini Tummy Tuck? Read more The indication for a mini-abdominoplasty is basically excess lower abdominal skin with or without a lax lower abdominal wall. The upper abdomen is in good shape, no excess skin or lax wall. In these cases there is no reason to alter the upper abdomen and thus no need to get the umbilicus out of the way and therefore there is no need for an incision around the umbilicus. the recovery from this procedure is probably a little easier than a standard abdominoplasty because only the lower half of the abdomen is operated, as opposed to the entire abdomen. An easier recovery is not a reason to select this procedure. If you need a standard abdominoplasty if and you select a mini-abdominoplasty procedure, you will probably be very disappointed. However, if you do have a mini-abdominoplasty and you really need a standard abdominoplasty or later on with weight changes you develop the need for a standard abdominoplasty, the performance of a mini-abdominoplasty now will not burn any bridges for later. That is to say, if you have a mini-abdominoplasty now, you can convert to a standard abdominoplasty at any time later. There is a version of this procedure called “floating the umbilicus”. In this procedure, the umbilicus is left intact to the surrounding skin on the outside, but as the abdominal skin is lifted upwards off the abdominal wall, when the umbilicus is encountered, it is transected (cut) from its attachment down below on the abdominal wall. Now the umbilicus floats upward off the abdominal wall, remaining attached to the abdominal skin. While this does give easy exposure to the upper abdominal muscles, there is a trade-off. As the abdominal skin is pulled downwards to the pelvis, one cannot predict at what vertical position the umbilicus will now reside. In other words, the umbilicus can now lie way too low on the abdominal wall and that does not look good! +How Does The Surgery Work? Read more Step 1 The blue ellipse indicates the proposed amount of skin to be removed. The lower solid blue line is where the initial incision is made. The dotted blue line is the proposed upper portion of the skin excision (removal). This can vary upwards or downwards depending upon how much skin excess exists. In this procedure, there is no incision made around the umbilicus. The umbilicus remains attached to the underlying abdominal muscles as well as to the remaining abdominal skin. There will not be a circular hole in the skin flap. The yellow area shows the extent to which the abdominal skin is elevated off the abdominal wall. Step 2 The abdominal skin is elevated off the abdominal wall, the abdominal musculature is revealed. The skin is elevated to just below the umbilicus in the midline, a little higher to either side of the umbilicus so as to maintain the attachment of the umbilicus to the abdominal wall. Step 3 The abdominal wall musculature is tightened using a special running suture. The muscles are brought together in the midline. Step 4 The completed repair of the abdominal musculature is shown. Step 5 The excess skin is elevated above the abdominal wall and pulled downward. The area of resection (removal) is indicated with a dotted line. There is no hole in the abdominal skin flap because there was no incision made around the umbilicus. Step 6 The final result is shown with the location of the scar across the waist crease of the abdomen. There is no scar around the umbilicus. The mini abdominoplasty is performed when both the skin and abdominal muscles have lost their elasticity and become flaccid. This procedure is performed under general anaesthetic and the method used ensures that no pain is felt. +Guidelines For Surgery Read more The following guidelines apply for all types of surgery Use of all blood thinners should be stopped (under guidance from Dr Celikkaya) Smoking should stop from the date of the operation until 10-14 days after the treatment. Any activities that will increase blood pressure should also be halted. In most cases you will be able to return home after an overnight stay in hospital for observation This surgery is performed under general anaesthetic It is possible to return to most day to day activities after 5 days of rest Upon completion of the surgery the patient will be fitted with a compression garment that they are expected to wear for the three weeks following the surgery. Light exercise (walking etc) is permitted shortly after surgery, but it is advised that the patient wait at least 6 weeks before undertaking any heavy or strenuous exercise Results are considered to be permanent, however, further pregnancies or excessive weight change will affect the permanent nature of the procedure If the belly button is removed during the process is will be replaced and look identical to the one removed The ideal time after giving birth to consider the tummy tuck procedure is 1 year Procedures can be combined under the guidance of Dr Celikkaya + What are the main factors to be considered before a mini abdominoplasty surgery? Read more As with all surgical procedures generally, patients must abstain from taking blood thinners, limit drinking alcohol and smoking as much as possible and ideally, stop altogether in the last couple of days preceding surgery. + What factors should be considered after mini abdominoplasty surgery? Read more After the mini abdominoplasty surgery, the patient comes to the hospital room dressed in a compression garment. We recommend this compression garment is used for three weeks. Light walks can commence immediately after surgery but it is wise to wait one and a half months before undertaking heavy exercise + What is the minimum age for a mini abdominoplasty surgery? Read more The tummy tuck operation is best undertaken after pregnancy if possible. There are no upper age limits in this surgery. It is possible to operate on people who are healthy and take good care of themselves, at any age. + Are any scars left after mini tummy tuck surgery? Read more If there is sagging in the skin, especially any excess under the tummy, the preferred size and location for the abdominoplasty scars is 4 cm on both sides, left and right of the caesarean scar line. This scar can usually be hidden behind bikini bottoms and turns into a thin, white line after the healing period + Are there any problems with getting pregnant after a mini tummy tuck surgery? Read more There is no harm in getting pregnant one year after a tummy tuck surgery. If the person does not gain too much weight during pregnancy, the tummy will return to how it looked right after abdominoplasty + Does the tummy lose its form in the case of weight gain after the surgery? Read more During the tummy tuck operation, the abdomen is narrowed and an inner corset is built. Patients usually lose weight after the surgery, but in the case of weight gain, the abdomen area does not return to its shape before the operation in any way, but maintains its proportion. + What is the right timing for a tummy tuck? Read more The right time for a tummy tuck operation for those who have given birth is the end of the first year. At the end of this period, the patient can lose as much extra weight as she can and the degree of sagging and stretchmarks settle. Ideally any weightloss should reach completion before the tuck since they are performed to correct the end results of a weight loss program. Best results are achieved if the patient has reached their ideal weight. + Can a tummy tuck and liposuction be performed simultaneously? Read more Yes. For the right patient and with the correct planning, a tummy tuck and liposuction can be carried out simultaneously.

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